Amstetten’s Symphonic Orchestra
Sunday, 21st May 2023, at 6 pm
On Sunday, May 21st 2023, Amstetten’s Symphonic Orchestra performs in the Great Knight’s Hall at Greinburg Castle. The Orchestra is conducted by Thomas Schnabel.
This year’s concert is all about the topic of “Springtime”.
The first part consists of Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdys Overture to the Cantata “Die erste Walpurgisnacht” and of the Symphony No. 1 by Robert Schumann (“Frühlingssinfonie”).
After the break the Orchestra performs a mix of popular and beloved compositions – “Frühlingswalzer” by Johann Strauß, “Florentiner-Marsch” by Julius Fucik and the Overture “Die leichte Kavallerie” by Franz von Suppé. The young Upper Austrian Soprano Singer Martha Matscheko sings Arias from Operettas and Musicals by Strauß, Lehar, Zeller and Loewe.