Opening Times Greinburg Castle & Upper Austrian Shipping Museum

1st May – 26th October
Tuesday – Sunday from 9 am – 5 pm

Normal Entrance Fee: € 9,00 / adult and € 5,00 / student

Arcaded Courtyard, Coach Room, Diamond Vault, Sala Terrena, Great Knight’s Hall, Castle Chapel and Upper Austrian Shipping Museum

You will receive an information text at the entrance. (Available languages: German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, Czech and Dutch)

Please note that the private Festive Rooms of the Ducal Family of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha are only opend during a Big Tour.

Tel. +43 (0)7268 -7007-18

Castle Tours for Groups

Guided tours are possible at any time throughout the year.
Tel. +43 (0)664-9861981

A minimum of 10 people per tour is required, otherwise there is a package price for the tour.



Short Tour: (45 min.)
€ 11,00 / adult and € 6,50 / student
Arcaded Courtyard, Diamond Vault, Sala Terrena, Great Knight’s Hall and Castle Chapel


Big Tour: (75 min.)
€ 13,00 / adult and € 8,00 / student
Arcaded Courtyard, Diamond Vault, Sala Terrena, Great Knight’s Hall, Castle Chapel and private Fesitve Rooms of the Ducal Family of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.


After each tour you can visit the Upper Austrian Shipping Museum on your own. Extra charge € 2,00 / adult and € 1,00 / student.

Castle Tours for Individuals

Big Tours 2024

Arcaded Courtyard, Diamond Vault, Sala Terrena, Great Knight’s Hall, Castle Chapel and private Fesitve Rooms of the Ducal Family of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.

Please note that these tours are in German. For non-German speakers we have information texts in a variety of languages.



Wednesday 01.05.2024 1.30 pm National Holiday
Sunday 05.05.2024 1.30 pm 1. Sunday in May
Thursday 09.05.2024 1.30 pm Ascension Day
Sunday 19.05.2024 1.30 pm Pentecost Sunday
Monday 20.05.2024 1.30 pm Pentecost Monday
Thursday 30.05.2024 1.30 pm Corpus Christi
Sunday 02.06.2024 1.30 pm 1. Sunday in June
Sunday 09.06.2024 1.30 pm Father’s Day
Sunday 07.07.2024 1.30 pm 1. Sunday in July
Sunday 04.08.2024 1.30 pm 1. Sunday in August
Thursday 15.08.2024 1.30 pm Assumption Day
Sunday 01.09.2024 1.30 pm 1. Sunday in September
Sunday 06.10.2024 1.30 pm 1. Sunday in October
Saturday 26.10.2024 1.30 pm National Holiday
Sunday 17.11.2024 1.30 pm Christmas Tour
Sunday 24.11.2024 1.30 pm Christmas Tour
Sunday 01.12.2024 1.30 pm Christmas Tour
Sunday 08.12.2024 1.30 pm Christmas Tour


Castle Tours for School Classes

We offer special tours for all levels of education.

For students from the ages 6 to 10 we recommend the Short Tour:
Arcaded Courtyard, Diamond Vault, Sala Terrena, Great Knight’s Hall and Castle Chapel
€ 6,50 / student; teachers are free of charge

For students from the ages 11 and up we also recommend the Big Tour:
Arcaded Courtyard, Diamond Vault, Sala Terrena, Great Knight’s Hall, Castle Chapel and private Fesitve Rooms of the Ducal Family of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha.
€ 8,00 / student; teachers are free of charge

After each tour the students can visit the Upper Austrian Shipping Museum on their own. Extra charge € 1,00 / student. 

Ticket Combination

Combine your ticket with sights in the area!

Greinburg Castle and Artstetten Castle:
The ticket allows you an individual visit to Greinburg Castle (Arcaded Courtyard, Diamond Vault, Sala Terrena, Great Knight’s Hall, Castle Chapel and the Upper Austrian Shipping Museum) and Artstetten Castle (Museum and Park).

Price per ticket € 21,40


Greinburg Castle and Keltendorf Mitterkirchen:
The ticket allows families (two adults and children) an individual visit to Greinburg Castle (Arcaded Courtyard, Diamond Vault, Sala Terrena, Great Knight’s Hall, Castle Chapel and the Upper Austrian Shipping Museum) and the Celtic Village Mitterkirchen.

Price per ticket € 33,00


The tickets are available at each entrance.

Closing Days 2024

Please note that Greinburg Castle is closed on the following dates:

Sunday 12th May 2024
Sunday 22nd September 2024


Please note that Greinburg Castle doesn’t have an elevator. There are certain accessibility problems for wheelchairs and baby strollers.

Individual Tours and Short Tours are taking place on the ground floor and on the first floor – Big Tours are also on the second floor.


Ground Floor:
The main entrance (access to the Arcaded Courtyard) is 0,88 m wide. The Arcaded Courtyard is accessible – here is also the restroom for people with disabilities.
The Coach Room is accessible. The enctance to the Diamond Vault has one step and the entrance to the Sala Terrena has five steps.
All rooms are big enough for wheelschairs.

First Floor:
There is a 1,65 m wide spiral staircase leading to the first floor. There is one step from the Great Knight’s Hall to the Castle Chapel. The Upper Austrian Shipping Museum has thresholds.
All rooms are big enough for wheelschairs.

Second Floor:
There is a long staircase leading to the second floor. There are thresholds between the Festive Rooms.
All rooms are big enough for wheelschairs.


There is a reduced entrance fee for wheelchair-users. We will also provide you with large-sized fotos of all rooms that you can’t visit. Cars with wheelchair-users are allowed to drive up the castle driveway and park directly next to the entrance.


Baby strollers can be left by the entrance’s front desk.


Please contact us for more information:          +43 (0) 664-9861981


Castle Tours:
Tel. +43 (0)664-9861981

Tel. +43 (0)7268-7007-18
Fax +43 (0)7268-7007-15


Stiftung der Herzog von Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha´schen Familie
Greinburg 1
4360 Grein an der Donau


Danube Ships (3 landing stages)
Ferry Boat for bikes
Danube Cycle Paths
Car via Highway A1 (Exit: Amstetten-West)
and via Road B3


Greinburg 1
4360 Grein an der Donau

Tel. +43 (0) 7268-7007-18
Tel. +43 (0) 664-986-1981




Nächste Führungen/Next Tours:
SO 02.03.2025 um 13.30 h
SA 08.03.2025 um 10.00 h
SO 06.04.2025 um 13.30 h
SO 27.04.2025 um 10.00 h

Schließtage/Closing Days:
SO 25.05.2025
SA 28.06.2025
SA 23.08.2025
SO 12.10.2025